Thursday, March 28, 2013

The Clear Creek Education Foundation along with the support of our Alternative Academics Class led by Mrs. Julie Brightwell held a morning breakfast and business meeting in our beautiful library, yesterday.  The students came into the library Tuesday afternoon and covered our tables with beautiful white table cloths and festive decorations to welcome the foundation members.  It is because of the generous funds from the Clear Creek Education Foundation Grant program that we have Brightwell's Bistro every year at Goforth Elementary!  The library is a proud participant in this awesome program.

The Clear Creek Education Foundation and our students at a Farm to Table restaurant  in Houston called Haven

The CCEF provides unique educational opportunities in CCISD classrooms, encourage middle school students to explore career options in the sciences and engineering fields, encourage teachers to become    master teachers, match deserving students to local scholarships, enable and encourage high school students to be first generation college graduates, and support teachers in creating innovative lessons.  This group of leaders in our community do so much to support our district of students and educators.

Cabbage and Cauliflower planted as an inspiration  from the Farm to Table restaurant experience.  Students use their own grown herbs and vegetables to prepare dishes to share with their patrons at the Brightwell's Bistro!

Friday, March 22, 2013

The Goforth Library was contacted by the Clear Lake Gem and Mineral Society offering a $500 donation.  Nancy Duggar, the representative, told us that we could use the money for Science books or much needed supplies.  After talking to our Science teachers on our campus, the need for NEW GOGGLES was unanimous!  You ask, what does that have to do with the Goforth Library?  Well, we get opportunities from time to time to help boost our curriculum.  The library advocates not only books to our students and teachers, BUT, other resources if the need arises!  We are so fortunate to have a great selection of Rock and Mineral books in our non fiction section of our library.

So here is a great picture of our 5th grade students modeling a few of the 125 pairs of neon safety goggles for our campus!  A huge thank you goes out to the Clear Lake Gem and Mineral Society!

Monday, March 18, 2013


The Goforth Library is pleased to announce the addition of some GREAT new titles! We have all been anxiously awaiting many of these titles, especially the ones about all the football teams!

We are adding 79 new titles to our collection!

Examples of these titles are:

The Story of McDonalds  call number (or address)  647.9 GIL

The Story of Coca Cola    call number  338.7 BOD

Mini Bikes    call number 629.2 STR

The Story of the Houston Texans   call number  796.3 PUE

To check out these books and more like them, go to the NEW BOOK section of the library.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

First Grade, First Skype and World Read Aloud Day!

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Yesterday, March 6th, was World Read Aloud Day.  Goforth Elementary celebrated with a first ever Skype session shared with Mr. Andy Plemmons and a first grade class at his Barrow Media Center.  His library is located in Athens, Georgia!  Mrs. Pelt and her first grade class had a great time listening to 
                                    Mr. Pemmons and me
                                    taking turns reading the book 
by Jenny Sue Kostecki-Shaw.

We have been reading all the Texas 2 x 2 nominees this year, so the students here at Goforth were very familiar with the story.  The students asked questions about where they lived and compared the differences and similarities in the locations.  I was amazed to listen to the questions and realize that our students do not comprehend  that even the likes of football are played in other states within the U.S.  With this being our very first Skype session, it made me realize the importance of expanding the connections for our students to experiences around not only our community, but beyond!
The first grade students at Barrow Media Center saying "Hi!"
to the students at Goforth Elementary via Skype!

Mrs. Waggett-Gauthreaux reading her part of the story .  Don't you just love the look of the students' faces while listening to the story?  They were 100% engaged!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Second Graders Rock the Library!

Second Graders here at Goforth Elementary have been enjoying our Common Learning Framework approach that we implemented this year in our Library.

Each day a few students from each class come to the library and enjoy a lesson that is customized just for them and then go and find new books and check out.  This new idea of coming to the library has allowed us to get to have a more personalized time together and give me, the librarian, more one to one time with the students to ensure that they are not only getting books that they love, but books that are just right for them!

All the students LOVE checking in their old books and then doing their own check out!  There is a sense of independence and ownership by doing it themselves.  Our "Overdue Books" list has been much shorter this year, than in year's past!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Brightwell's Bistro Chili Cook Off in the Library

Just in time with the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo, the Goforth Library was transformed today into a Chuckwagon Chili Cook Off!  We had Mrs. Brightwell's class and some help from the Alternative Academics class from League City Intermediate cooking chili, cornbread and cookies!  There were 3 kinds of chili offered.  The students were not only the host, but were our servers, bussman and cooks.  They worked very hard to make this day a success.

I think that everyone left with a full tummy and a happy heart from the great service offered!

We loved having our visitors from League City Intermediate!

                                                 Our P.E. coaches loved the chili and service!

                                           On the way out from the Chili Cook Off we all did a rating
                                            of our service, which was wonderfully done by all!
Mrs. Panepinto's Class at Goforth Elementary is going to have a great experience with a school from Athens, Georgia and Skype with a first grade class on National Read Aloud Day next Friday, March 8th.  We will be reading the Texas 2 x 2 book SAME, SAME BUT DIFFERENT, discussing the differences in where we live and the same things that we have in common.  It will be great fun!